Crisis Navigator for Rapid Mobilisation of Science Communication
The Crisis Navigator is designed as a strategic resource to support the rapid mobilisation of science communication in times of crisis. This first version specifically addresses science communicators, based on the guiding question: How can science communicators contribute when a crisis emerges?

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11446975
The Crisis Navigator distinguishes four key phases (pre-, imminent, actual, and post-crisis), in which science communication supports effective crisis management, creating space for constructive dialogue involving researchers and other stakeholders.
It serves as a interactive guide to support science communicators to better imagine and anticipate challenges (e.g., uncertainty, ethical issues, framing).This includes careful consideration of how the identified challenges interconnect and may overlap in any given crisis situation, bearing witness to the complexity of (science and) science communication as a continuous process and acknowledging that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Future versions of the Crisis Navigator will include adaptations to journalists and policy makers.