The SciComm Innovation Cycle constitutes a conceptual framework for an iterative process for producing and sustaining science communication initiatives looking to innovatively tackle critical challenges at the science-society interface. The Cycle is imagined as a way to bring new initiatives, tools, and resources development and practise closer together under a research-practice co-leadership, promoting a wider perspective where instead of a solely solution-driven approach, the challenges faced by SciComm practitioners and their underlying causes, are first unpacked, understood and defined. Placing communities of practice, including multiple SciComm actors, at the centre, the Cycle proposes an iterative process in which SciComm initiatives are developed and evolve through the stages of needs assessments, knowledge consolidation, co-development, co-creation and participation with relevant actors, and sustainability and long-term impact.
The development of the European Competence Centre for Science Communication virtual platform and connected network of National and Regional Hubs, is based on the application of the SciComm Innovation Cycle. The conceptual framework will be revised after testing and validation under the COALESCE project.